Blood Cancer Treatment

Leukemia Treatment :

The treatment mechanism of leukemia is like any other cancer case. The treatment is basically aimed at removing or destroying the cancer cells completely.

The most preferred treatment is chemotherapy. In this method of treatment, the patient is given shots of anti cancer medicine intravenously. The medicine attacks all types of cells in the target area, removing any cancerous cells.
The chemotherapy is given either daily or on consecutive days for a period of six weeks. In the following two weeks, the condition of the patient is assessed and the next treatment schedule is prepared.

As a side effect of chemotherapy, the patient will lose almost all the body hair. Alongside there are other symptoms as well like, nausea and lack of appetite.

Another strategy of treatment called consolidation treatment is targeted at removing the remnant cancerous cells. Preventive treatment strategy is aimed at controlling the spread of the disease to vital organs including the brain and the nervous system.

If the patient is irresponsible to any of the treatment plans, the doctor or the cancer assistance team might also suggest the patient to undergo a bone marrow transplant procedure.

Most of the cases of acute leukemia can be cured provided diagnosis is done timely. Timing is of utmost importance, looking at the tremendous speed at which the disease spreads.

While acute leukemia can be cured, finding a cure for chronic leukemia is tough. There is sadly no definite cure for chronic leukemia, but with the regular treatment using chemotherapy combined with medicinal therapy, the spread of the disease can be controlled for a long duration of time without any setbacks.

Factors affecting treatment :

* Age of the patient
* Percentage of leukemia cells in the bone marrow
* Chromosomal abnormalities in leukemia cells

While fighting leukemia, counseling is of utmost importance. It helps the patient to understand and accept their medical condition and the outcome of the treatment.

The doctor and the cancer assistance team provide necessary counseling to the patient. Support groups which work with the American cancer society and the national cancer institute.


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