Bladder Cancer Diagnosis

Diagnosis Of Bladder Cancer :

1. Detection or Diagnosis of bladder cancer generally begins with the doctor taking a complete medical history in order to analyze risk factors and symptoms. The next phase begins with the physical exam. The doctor might need to examine the rectum or the vagina (females) in order to determine the size of the bladder and spread of the tumor ( in more developed cases ). If the results are inclined towards abnormality, the doctor might advice for further advice from a urologist.
2. The next step in diagnosis is Cystoscopy. If the doctor’s suspect a bladder cancer, the urologist will then advice a cystoscopy exam. In this test, a cystoscope is inserted through the urethra of the patient in and forced upward into the bladder. The video camera at the tip of the cystoscope allows the doctor to see the inner lining of the bladder. Sterile saline water is pushed through the cystoscope to inflate and wash the bladder. The urologist may also collect tissue samples from the inner lining of the bladder. The saline water washings may also be screened for cancer cells. Both the tissue samples and the washing sample are sent to the lab in order to carry out further tests that will help to correctly diagnose the case.
3. Lab tests : The lab tests ofter include, urine cytology, urine culture and urine tumor marker tests. In general cases the tests are as follows :
1. Urine cytology
2. Urine culture
3. Urine tumor marker test
All these tests together provide credible data that may help diagnose bladder cancer.

4. Biopsy : Samples of tissues taken from inside the bladder during the cytoscopy exam are sent for a biopsy. The biopsy can tell the type of cancer and also shed some light on the grade and invasiveness of the cancer. A biopsy is a sure test to determine, type, spread, grade and invasiveness of bladder cancer.

5. Imaging Tests: Imaging tests like X-ray, Intravenous pyelogram, Computerised Tomography, Retrograde pyelogram, CT-guided needle biopsy, Magnetic resonance imaging, Ultrasound, Ultrasound guided needle biopsy, Bone scan.

The first four tests are deviced to detect the type, grade and invasiveness of bladder cancer, while the last test is deviced to search and confirm spread of bladder cancer.


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