Bladder Cancer Symptoms

Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer :

1. Changes in bladder habits or irritative symptoms :
A. Having to urinate more frequently than usual.
B. Feeling of pain or burning sensation during urination.
C. Feeling urgency for urination even when the bladder is not full.
However the aforesaid conditions may also arise due to other causes like infection or benign (non-invasive) tumors or an enlarged prostate gland (in males). However it is advisable to get these checked by a medical practitioner.

2. Blood in the urine : Visibility of blood in the urine is perhaps one of the prime symptoms of bladder cancer. Depending on the amount of blood, the urine may be pale yellow-red to dark red. However in some cases, there may not be visible blood in the urine, which may be found in clinical test or medical checkups.
Having blood in the urine always doesn’t signify bladder cancer. Blood in urine may be due to other reasons like infection, or benign tumors stones in kidney or bladder. However if there is blood in the urine it is important to get it checked by a doctor in order to find out about the cause of the blood.

3. Additional symptoms : Back Pain, Unability to urinate are some of the other symptoms that show up if the bladder tumor has grown to a larger extent.


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