
Showing posts from 2016

Blood Cancer

what is Blood Cancer : Speaking broadly, blood cancer is a cancer that affects the largest connective tissue of the human body. Leukemia is the most common form of blood cancer. This form cancer or Leukemia affects the bone marrow of the body. The bone marrow is the body’s factory where production of red blood cells and white blood cells take place. Leukemia, once it affects the bone marrow, it tends to increase the production rate of white blood cells. There are mainly two forms of leukemia, namely, acute and chronic leukemia. Acute leukemia increases the density of the bone marrow. This prevents the bone marrow from producing healthy blood cells. This type of leukemia is common in children and in young adults. In pediatric cases, this type of cancer is mostly fatal, and should be treated immediately. If left untreated, the malignancy will spread to the other parts of the body and will surely prove to be fatal at a later stage of the disease. Chronic leukemia takes ...

What is RBC And WBC

RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) : The red blood corpuscles or the RBC are radial disc shaped cells, these cells generally have any nucleus and are meant to simply carry oxygen to the different parts of the body. These cells are red in color and contain a substance called hemoglobin. The existence of this hemoglobin is also the reason for the red color of the RBCs. The RBCs are produced in a region called as the bone marrow. The bone marrow is a spongy substance that is found in the hollow parts of the large bones of the body. The bone marrow produces RBCs round the clock. WBC (White Blood Corpuscles) : The white blood corpuscles or the WBCs are amoeboid structures that are present in the blood to fight infections within the body. These cells attack any foreign component that might enter the blood either while having a transfusion or minor cuts, resulting in some amount of blood loss. These cells are produced in the lymph nodes of the body. These cells that represent the i...


What is Blood : Blood is the connective tissue that exists in the form of a liquid in the human body. The blood is made up of three basic types of cells. These are the red blood corpuscles or RBC, the white blood corpuscles or WBC and platelets. Apart from these three main constituents blood also contains plasma. The plasma is nothing but a celluloid matrix that keeps all the components of the blood in a suspended state.

How is Cancer Caused

Cancer Causes : Cancer is caused due to damage to the structure of DNA that governs the process of cell division. This may have happened as a result of different activities like smoking, working in unhealthy circumstances etc, so that cancer causing agents or Carcinogens have entered into the bloodstream. These carcinogens in turn cause damage or mutation in the DNA of the cell, this damage in turn activates a set of genes called “Oncogenes”. These are responsible for the rapid increase in the process of division, causing cancer.

Types Of Bladder Cancer And Invasiveness Cancer

There are basically four types of bladder cancer : a. Squamous cell carcinoma. b. Adenocarcinoma. c. Transitional cell carcinoma (or urothelial cell carcinoma) d. Small cell carcinoma. Invasiveness Cancer:- Invasiveness : If the cancerous cell outgrowth remains superficial without penetrating the main muscle layers of the bladder then the cancer is said to be non-invasive type of cancer. Whereas, if the cancerous growth tends to penetrate the inner muscle linings of the bladder then it is called invasive cancer.

Transitional Cell Carcinoma

Cell Carcinoma : This type of cancer is the most common type of bladder cancer. About 95% of the cases of bladder cancer are infect transitional cell carcinoma. The transitional cell carcinoma is further classified under two groups. These are : A. Flat Carcinoma B. Papillary Carcinoma The former form of transitional cell carcinoma results in slender finger like projections that grow from the wall of the bladder towards it’s center in normal cases. These types of cancer are known as non-invasive papillary cancer. However, in some cases the same can grow inside the deeper layers of the bladder walls. This case is then referred to as the invasive type papillary carcinoma. In very The latter form of transitional cell carcinoma results in flat tumor that grows along the inner lining of the bladder cells.

Adenocarcinoma And Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Adenocarcinoma : According to the statics of the US cancer society about 1% of all bladder cancer cases are adenocarcinomas. The cancer cells, when observed under the microscope show many common features, when compared to the gland – forming cells of the colon cancer. Nearly all adenocarcinoma of the bladder are invasive in nature. Squamous Cell Carcinoma : According to the US cancer society, the squamous cell carcinoma accounts for about 1% to 2% of all the cases of bladder cancer. Under the microscope these cells look like flat cells, that are found on the surface of the skin. Almost all squamous cell carcinoma are invasive in nature.

Small Cell Carcinoma

Small Cell Carcinoma – Bladder Cancer:  The US cancer society states that less than about 1% of cancer cases in the united states are small cell carcinomas. This class of cancer generally starts in the neuro-endocrine cells and they need to be typically treated with chemotherapy. This type of carcinoma has much similarity with the small-cell carcinoma of the lungs. Other types: Apart from the four main types of cancer as stated above, there is another type of cancer of the bladder called sarcoma bladder cancer. It is named so because it starts from the muscle layer of the the bladder.

Bladder Cancer Symptoms

Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer : 1. Changes in bladder habits or irritative symptoms : A. Having to urinate more frequently than usual. B. Feeling of pain or burning sensation during urination. C. Feeling urgency for urination even when the bladder is not full. However the aforesaid conditions may also arise due to other causes like infection or benign (non-invasive) tumors or an enlarged prostate gland (in males). However it is advisable to get these checked by a medical practitioner. 2. Blood in the urine : Visibility of blood in the urine is perhaps one of the prime symptoms of bladder cancer. Depending on the amount of blood, the urine may be pale yellow-red to dark red. However in some cases, there may not be visible blood in the urine, which may be found in clinical test or medical checkups. Having blood in the urine always doesn’t signify bladder cancer. Blood in urine may be due to other reasons like infection, or benign tumors stones in kidney or bladder. However if...

Bladder Cancer Diagnosis

Diagnosis Of Bladder Cancer : 1. Detection or Diagnosis of bladder cancer generally begins with the doctor taking a complete medical history in order to analyze risk factors and symptoms. The next phase begins with the physical exam. The doctor might need to examine the rectum or the vagina (females) in order to determine the size of the bladder and spread of the tumor ( in more developed cases ). If the results are inclined towards abnormality, the doctor might advice for further advice from a urologist. 2. The next step in diagnosis is Cystoscopy. If the doctor’s suspect a bladder cancer, the urologist will then advice a cystoscopy exam. In this test, a cystoscope is inserted through the urethra of the patient in and forced upward into the bladder. The video camera at the tip of the cystoscope allows the doctor to see the inner lining of the bladder. Sterile saline water is pushed through the cystoscope to inflate and wash the bladder. The urologist may also collect tissue s...

Different Stages Of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer actually can be staged in two different stages. These are : 1. Clinical Stage : This is the stage in which the doctor has the best chance of diagonising the cancer. The diagonosis is usually done using the results obatined during routine medical check-ups or test aimed specifically at diagnosing cancer such as X-ray, cystoscopy, CT-scan etc. 2. Pathological stage : In this stage of bladder cancer, it becomes an imminent job to operate out the tumor. This stage, in addition to the test results that help to determine the progress of the disease during the clinical stage, provides additional tumor samples, that help the doctor’s to categorize the progress of the disease.

Staging of Bladder Cancer

Different systems for staging of Bladder Cancer   : 1. The AJCC TNM staging system for bladder cancer : A system desinged to stage cancer helps the doctor’s to determine the spread of the cancer and take care and cure steps for the patient accordingly. An example of such a system is the AJCC TNM system. AJCC stands for American Joint Committee on Cancer and TNM stands for Tumor, Nodes, Metastasized. The TNM staging system conveys three main pieces of information about the patient’s disease. The letter “T” is followed by numbers or letters that show how much has the cancer grown. In case of bladder cancer it directly signifies how much the tumor has grown, and answers basic questions like, has the tumor penetrated the bladder wall, or whether it has spread to the nearby tissues. The higher the T-numbers, the greater is the spread of the tumor. This “T” method can be differentiated as under : Stage Name                     ...

Bladder Cancer Prognosis

Bladder Cancer Prognosis : Patients diagnosed with bladder cancer are much concerned about their future. This usually means what are the pospects of treatment and what is the outlook of the treatment. Prognosis after getting diagnosed with cancer helps the patient to select a proper plan of treatment with the help of the doctor or the cancer assistance team. Understanding bladder cancer prognosis : Prognosis is nothing but a medical term which is used to grade the extent of the illness, particularly cancer in this case, and the possible treatments and also the regarding outcome. In prognosis, the cancer assistance team or the doctor decides, whether the patient can fight the disease with suitable treatment and prevent the recurrence of the cancer. While carrying out prognosis, the following factors are considered : Type and location of the cancer The current stage and / or grade of the bladder cancer. The grade of the bladder cancer cell. The health status of the patien...

Bladder Cancer Stages

Bladder Cancer Staging : There are different stages in which the bladder cancer is divided. The greater the stage number, the more advanced is the cancer. The following system of staging the bladder cancer is used internationally to stage the bladder cancer and devise a proper treatment plan. Stage 0 – This is the most initial stage of bladder cancer. The cases that are diagnosed in this stage are easily curable and donot show any signs of spread. The outlook of this stage is the best. In this stage the cancer has just started forming and are mainly present in the internal superficial layer of the bladder. Stage 1 – In this stage the cancerous cells have well spread throughout the internal surface of the bladder and are starting to spread to the outer wall of the bladder by penetrating the bladder. Although the cancerous cells have started penetrating the bladder, yet they are still not through the muscle layer of the bladder. Stage 2 – In this stage the cancerous cells h...

Bladder Cancer Treatment

Treatment For Bladder Cancer : It is very important to recognize the symptoms at a early stage. It may happen that a person who is diagnosed with prostate cancer do not have any symptoms at all.It is very necessary for men to be screened annually since early detection and choice of treatment are two big factors for curing this disease. Prostate cancer, since it is so often present in men, is usually screened for in physical exams for men age 50 and older. But men in their 40s can also get prostate cancer.In fact, African-American men, and men that have a family history of prostate cancer should begin their annual screenings at age 40. It is recommended to go for a regular check and never neglect any kind of bladder infection as it is a well known fact that any tumor at late stages is difficult to cure.

Bladder Cancer Causes

Causes of Bladder Cancer: There can be various factors which leads to Bladder Cancer. The first being with the growing age of a person.Secondly; high intake of fried meat and animal fat on daily diet increases the risk of this form of cancer. Smoking is also considered as the factor responsible for increasing the chances of bladder cancer.The main cause of bladder cancer is tobacco smoking. Smoking is responsible for over half of the cancer of the bladder cases. Cigarette smoke contains carcinogens such as benzidine and 2-Naphthylamine which are responsible for the disease. Occupational exposure of workers in factories dealing with aromatic animes can result to bladder cancer.Moreover individuals working in leather industry, dyes, textiles, rubber, hair coloring, and paint too are at a risk. Cytoscopic examinations revealed a high incidence of urinary tract cancer in Belgians exposed to “Aristolochia fangchi” through consumption of Chinese weight-loss pills. Carcinoma...

Signs Of Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer Signs: 1. Abdominal Discomfort . 2. Discomfort during urination 3. Loss of appetite and excess weight 4. Blood in the urine: it is the most usual symptom that is witnessed in the basic population of people today with cancer of the bladder. Though this is a widespread sign of bladder cancer, other illnesses or infections may also lead to blood in the urine. A person with blood in their urine really should talk to a doctor instantly for this is not normal.

What Is Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer : The bladder cancer is the cancer that occurs in the urinary bladder of the humans. The bladder in the humans is a hollow muscular organ that holds urine inside the body. The kidneys which produce urine deposit it in the bladder through special ducts called ureters. A normal bladder can hold upto two 2 cups of urine. This urine is then throws out through urethra during the time of urination. This bladder is made up of different layers of cell. A layer of cells called the urothelial cells, or transitional cells. Below that is a thin layer of cells called the lamina propria, proceeded by a layer of muscles called muscularis propria. The cancer in any of these layers of the bladder is called bladder cancer.

Communication Compass – Perspectives

Cancer Care – Communication Compass – Perspectives “You’re lucky,” the oncologist tells his patient with breast cancer. “Your tumor seems to respond well to the hormone therapy. And we still have a lot more possibilities in the future.” “Does that mean that I am going to be cured after all?” the woman asks. After the consultation the doctor sighs: “How is it possible after all the explanations I have given, that the patient still has not understood that this therapy does not have a curative intent?” The first axis in the compass is the axis of perspectives. Who is lucky in the above-mentioned example? It is the doctor who is lucky, because his therapy is working. From the perspective of the patient, being lucky has a completely different meaning. She does not know the doctor’s other patients. For her, being lucky means to be free of cancer. That is how she understands her doctor’s statement. Doctor and patient look at the same situation from a completely different perspective. O...