Transitional Cell Carcinoma

Cell Carcinoma :

This type of cancer is the most common type of bladder cancer. About 95% of the cases of bladder cancer are infect transitional cell carcinoma. The transitional cell carcinoma is further classified under two groups.

These are :

A. Flat Carcinoma
B. Papillary Carcinoma

The former form of transitional cell carcinoma results in slender finger like projections that grow from the wall of the bladder towards it’s center in normal cases. These types of cancer are known as non-invasive papillary cancer. However, in some cases the same can grow inside the deeper layers of the bladder walls. This case is then referred to as the invasive type papillary carcinoma. In very
The latter form of transitional cell carcinoma results in flat tumor that grows along the inner lining of the bladder cells.


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