Cancer Information

Cancer Awareness :

It has been brought forward by a recently conducted research that drinking coffee may reduce the chances of getting inflicted by Oral cancer. It has been found that drinking about 5 or more cups of coffee per day helps reducing the chances of catching oral caner.

This fact was brought forward by a cancer research team who carried on their study with 5,139 people who have had head or neck area cancer during some time in their life against 9,028 people who have remained cancer free for their entire life.

The research showed that people who drank more than about 4 cups of coffee per day had lowered their risk of getting mouth cancer by about 39%. The risk was lowered for oral and pharangeal cancers but not for larynx cancer.

Although coffee was seen to be useful for people in general, but the cancer risk reducing effects of coffee were not diminished for people who had the habit of alcohol and tobacco. Peolple who had coffee but less than 5 cups per day had lower but still statistically significant risk lowerance in terms of mouth cancer.

Light to moderate coffee drinking habits although had no effect in terms of lowering the head and neck area cancer risk.

Coffee consumption in heavy amounts is also known to prevent aggressive forms of prostate cancer and leads to improved mental function.

While coffee is an extremely popular drink among the professional enganged with different sorts of professions, yet the exact factor in coffee that reduces the risk of cancer is yet to be discovered. Apart from the well known ingredient called caffine, coffee contains a number of ingredients which are not famous such as kahweol and cafestrol which are known to be anti cancer agents.


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