
Showing posts from December, 2017

Leukemia Symptoms

Symptoms of leukemia : Leukemia is a dreaded disease that attacks especially the children and young adults. It is a cancer, that falls in the blood cancer category and affects the blood and bone marrow. This cancer leads to abnormally high counts of white blood cells in the body. There are basically four different types of leukemia. These are : * Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. * Chronic myelogenous leukemia. * Acute Lymphocytic leukemia. * Acute Myeloid leukemia. Child and adult leukemia are existant with acute lymphocytic leukemia being the most common type of leukemia among children. Although the exact reasons for onset of leukemia are not clear, yet it is believed that exposure to harmful chemicals like – radioactive wastes, chemical wastes and exposure to other types of carcinogens like high tobacco and alcohol.Treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy administered to cure other types of cancers in the past Some of the observable symptoms of...